Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The sun finally sets, reminding us we are not invincible. Mom and I stagger inside, and eventually reconvene . Cousin Angus and 2 of his 3 kids are arriving hours later than we expected, giving us a delightfully peaceful candlelit dinner... until we hear cats yowling out the window.

Mom tells J.E.B., "GIT 'EM!" He blasts out the door and I think that's the end of that.

Until I hear plaintive mewing off the porch. I grab a flashlight and step outside, expecting the worst...

And am overrun by the three cutest kittens in the world, climbing all over me, licking my ears and purring louder than the diesel Deutz!

So the Grand Prize Reader will be chosen tomorrow. The lucky winner will recieve: a big fluffy bouquet of kittens!

Pictures forthcoming by daylight

1 comment:

  1. Your KY relatives want to see pictures of JEB's kittens!
    P.S. J is interning at KESMARC-- very cool!
