Thursday, April 22, 2010

The time, the way

I'm fighting fear. The timing of this new season could not be worse in my mind. Riding students, winter soft, are back in the saddle, excited to launch forward to the next level. Horses in training are fit and happy and ready to show. Mark and my young horses are ready to start under saddle and the older ones ready to show and promote.

My goal was to have 5 of our horses ready and sold into great new homes in the next 6 weeks, bringing relief to both fields and finances. This had been the plan throughout the long winter. This is the plan officially launched last week on dentistry day, when the equine tooth fairy pulls wolf teeth and prepares young mouths to receive the intrusion and instruction of a bit.

There is a path, I know it. But to see 6 weeks with no clear educational (equine) or financial progress with the farm terrifies me. Look harder, look deeper. I'm already pursuing obvious paths: pictures of saddles no longer needed poised and ready to load online. Openness to make some concessions and compromises from my initial vision. Flowing with every eddy and cross-current to see what may be revealed.

Solomon exhorts us: "Trust in the Lord with your whole heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths."

Okeedoke, God. My feet are willing, albeit wobbly. Just please, show me which way to go.


  1. You don't need your feet, just let Him carry you. It's always gotten you where you need to go in the past.

  2. I had never heard of the Gypsy horse until today. They are truly magnificent animals. I want to learn more about these gorgeous horses and the farms where they are bred. gypsy vanner horses for sale

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