Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Between Battles: Wordless Wednesday


  1. awesome photo! Gosh, my 7yr old son would be all over this photo, going to have to come back and show it to him.

  2. Thanks! Jenny, there are a bunch more knights on my photo site (and more soon to be uploaded) at www.thelaughinggypsy.com

    Your son can browse his fill!

  3. Was this some sort of medieval fair? It must be so hot in there!

  4. That is super! The sunlight on his helmet makes me think he's baking at 350 in there!

  5. This picture just oozes bravery. How fun! I would love to go to a medieval fair!

  6. Hey! I used to be in SCA! ..er, I mean. What are they doing in this picture?

  7. I (and the knight) wish the event were the previous weekend, when the autumn sun lit temps in the 70s. Unfortunately, it was in the 90s and muggy.

    Jeremy, your secret is safe with the Gypsy!

  8. We're in the SCA, too. That knight looked a lot like the ones we saw a few weekends ago. I never understand why they want to put all that armor on when it's 90 degrees outside.
