Thursday, November 20, 2008

Whirling Towards Winter

... and clinging tight to this wild ride. "Widen your tent pegs" we're told, and I'm trusting for the resources to steward that growth.

Expression is now flung to far-reaches of the web. SCA and medieval reenacting stuff goes to Horse musings go to Photos saunter over to Smugmug and farm stuff finds its way to

Dissecting myself is an interesting discipline born from a business model. I look forward to reaping that harvest.

But I've really missed it here.


  1. Hi Laughing Gypsy! Thanks for the links. I just bought the photo of the rocks in the water. It will look pretty in my office and give me inspiration. "My problems are rocks, but I will be water!" : )

  2. And water not only prevails but softens and shapes hard-headed rock. Thanks Qaro! That shot is from one of the places where I'm happiest. I'm so glad it brings you joy!

  3. That being said... I guess I am the rock and I'm so thankful for the "water" that has softened and shaped me, gives me life and sustains me.

    Even your comments are an inspiration. I do love you!

  4. I got it and it's lovely. I just need to find a frame and then I will be shaping those "rocks".

  5. Nice post! You have worked hard on jotting down the essential information. Keep sharing the good work in future too.

  6. Hi,
    What an amazing pictures, thanks for sharing the link with us Laughing Gypsy. These pictures looks great after framing.
